Tuesday 14 August 2012


Living outside of Muslim lands (even though I personally follow the school of thougt according to which, land of Islam is wherever Muslims are free to live) can be challenging at times .
And this happens not because our religion is so hard to practice, rather some places and people are stuck into a mentality which doesn't cope much with diversity and minorities .
One might argue that the same happens in countries like Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan, where they are known to follow a very orthodox version of the religion .
I usually answer that in places where religion is source of law, then the issue must be seen in this perspective .
On the other hand, nations calling themselves modern and democratic, and where religion and state are kept separated, or where religion is kept in no account whatsoever, then everybody is entitled to have a say, with his political and civil rights .
In some countries minorities are just of a certain ethnicity and customs, so everything new coming up needs its time .

So for example the issue of pork in medications for Muslims in the West is cause of great concern since long time .
It is also in Muslim lands, because medicines come from Europe and America mainly, and scholars suggest to take them if no other alternative available or to take them because pig tissues are not to be considered as pork anymore, after chemical transformation .
Most follow this advice, though reluctantly, others just do not take the cure .
Same goes to alcohol in mouthwash .
So it is important that Arab American pharmacists, found a way, as said in the article .
But in case no solution is available, then the scholar is still fundamental .

This is the main problem for today's Islam .
Scholars should do more ijtihad , which doesn't mean to change the religion as we want it .
It means to find a proper interpretation for modern days .
And it is feasible as Islam is universal in time and space .
Just people of knowledge should dedicate more time and efforts to this .

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